
Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I talked about last week's episode more than I have talked about any other episode of "The Bachelor" this season.  I hated last episode.  It was just so mean.  Leah going out of her way to sabotage Lauren B. and then blatantly denying it was sinister.  Lauren not demanding to know the name of who said that she was not acting the same toward Ben as she does when away from him was dumb.  And Ben not divulging the name of the accuser is weak.

Then, they leave Olivia stranded on an island with only the camera crew to take her home was also mean.  Granted, Olivia's actions led me to describe her as "mean as a snake", but does a person deserve that?  It's so annoying that I care.  Here is where I had my Top 3, after an edit, after last week's episode:
1.  Lauren B.
2.  Amanda
3.  JoJo

"Welcome to Warsaw, Indiana.  The place that I grew up.  This feels incredible.  It feels so good to be back," says Ben.   I love this sign "The Orthopedic Capital".  Of what?  The world?  The United States?  Indiana?  Kosciusko County?  (I had to look the last one up).  Ben is bringing the six girls to meet the town that made Ben, Ben and the high stakes of this episode is that the survivors get to take Ben to THEIR homes to meet their parents.  

Ben quickly catches his parents up to speed about his six girlfriends.  Yep, that sounds normal- six girlfriends.  Anyway, the girls tour the county seat of Kosciusko County (I had to look that one up, too) and get into a leaf fight.  Seriously.  The producer was like, "Hey Becca, I dare you to throw leaves at JoJo.  It will make a great scene and get you some more airtime."  Dumb.

Ben picks the chicks up in a pontoon boat on the lake he grew up.  All the gals, although hailing from major, major cities make statements about how they would move there with Ben to raise a family.  Ben doesn't even live there.  He moved to Denver.  Do they even listen to him?

00:08:  Lauren B. gets asked to a one on one date with Ben.  Tifani says, "The B. in Lauren B. stands for butter face."

The girls are a little upset about the attention Lauren B. is getting.  This group of girls are going to turn on Lauren B. soon.  And fast.  Faster than the rest of The Bangles turned on Susanna Hoffs after the attention she received from the "Walk Like an Egyptian" video.

00:12:  Ben takes Lauren B. on a tour of his hometown.  Warsaw may be a small town but the schools and Ben's church are huge.  Ben impressively slides in that he was the high school QB1.  Then, Ben tells the story of his first kiss in a movie theater that is now a hotel.  Well, in episode 1 Ben showed a movie theater and said that is where the kiss happened.  Caught you ABC.  Fire your film editor.

Ben takes Lauren to Baker Youth Club.  Pretty good date, if you ask me.  A great insight into what has molded Ben.  I liked that he used the local half court shot hero to snag a kiss from Lauren.

00:17:  Ben surprises the kids with Indiana Pacers Paul George and George Hill.  "I'm star struck.  I'm a big basketball fan.  I grew up playing basketball.  I can appreciate when the Indiana Pacers walk through the door," says Lauren.  "No way she knows who they are," fires back Tifani.

00:25:  Date Card arrives.  "JoJo, let's find love in the Windy City.  Ben."  He isn't even trying to be witty on his cards anymore.

Back to Ben and Lauren.  Ben takes her to a loft he is crashing in.  Lauren wants to address what happened last week.  Ben restates what was said.  It is shocking that Lauren still won't ask, "Who said this statement?"  She says that she doesn't know how to defend something that is not true.  How about confronting the person who said such lies from the beginning?

"This date is not done yet.  I have a spot that means a lot to me.  My local dive bar," says Ben.  I am totally thinking that at Rex's Rendezvous it is going to be John Mellancamp serenading the couple.

Nope.  Instead it is Ben's high school football buddies, Jonathan Moxen, Charlie Tweeder, and Reggie Ray and their significant others doing tequila shots.

00:30:  Whoa!  Whoa!  What?!  Ben and Lauren make out on a roof.  Before going to commercial you can see how tight Ben's pants are.  Apparently, Tif was wrong about what the B. stood for in Lauren B. because it clearly stands for "Boner!"

00:36:  Time for JoJo's One on One Date with Ben in Chicago!  This is a great line by Ben about Wrigley Field, "So this is Wrigley Field.  I always watch the Cubs games here."  Really, as opposed to Soldier Field?  Iconic Wrigley Field sign sends a message to Ben and JoJo: "HEY.  HEY YOU.  YEAH, YOU, BEN... IS THAT JOJO WITH YOU?  IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE YOU ARE DOING MUCH.  COME INSIDE AND CHECK IT OUT!'

For as much as those girls back at Warsaw, IN are jealous of JoJo right now, every dude watching this show is jealous that Ben got to go inside of Wrigley on this date.

The couple takes turns hitting a little BP while pitching to each other.  Ben digs in the box and I say, "I hope he hits a come backer right at her face."  Tif says, "From your lips to God's ears."

00:45:  Group Date card arrives.  Caila, Amanda, and Becca are invited.  Meaning, Emily receives a One on One Date.  Emily's tears of joy create a very ugly face.

Back to the Ben and JoJo date and they have a table for two in center field of Wrigley.  The instrumental from this scene is very close to that from "Field of Dreams".  Tread lightly, ABC, lawsuit might be pending.

JoJo is very thankful he has shared to his adoration of the Cubs but you know that if he doesn't pick her that she will hate the Chicago Cubs forever.

I don't want to write about Ben begging girls to show their vulnerable side anymore.  It is just an every episode thing now.  Ben does have a general connection with JoJo and he said that he is most honest with her but I feel like he would rather be hanging out with Theo Epstein right now, therefore, I still believe she is in the friend zone.

00:56:  Group Date time.  On a lake on a farm, Ben takes them rowing.  He splits them into two groups: Caila & himself and Amanda & Becca.  What a boob. Why can't he put all four in the boat and do the rowing.

Ben explains that the date is actually two dates and whoever gets the rose goes gets the rest of the date into the night and the other two girls go home.  Ben steals Amanda first.  Their talk immediately jumps into talking about Amanda's kids and introducing Ben to her kids.  Important to note here that there is no mention of Amanda going home because she doesn't receive a rose but that she will get to see her kids and so will Ben.  Also, no way Ben is sending Amanda home this late in the game without meeting her kids.  He would look like a HUGE dick.

Becca is up next to talk with Ben.  She is very annoying and seems more concerned about opening up to Ben and getting blindsided.  She needs to stop comparing herself to the other girls and that she hasn't done or gotten anything to make her feel secure.

01:07:  Back from commercial.  I love it when the girl's are all together and talking about what Ben is thinking and the significance of the date they are presently on but when they get to the one on one portion the first thing they say is, "I.  I, just.  I just don't know what you are thinking."

Caila gets stolen away from the trio.  As soon as she starts to talk I get flashbacks from last week.  That confusing conversation returns.  She is digging herself in a hole talking about her anxiety about having a lack of roots compared to Ben.   "I pictured myself as moss and trying to find the perfect tree to grow with," says Caila.  Whatever.

Amanda gets the rose after a speech about wanting to meet someone's family.  This is not a shocker.  Becca and Caila are sent back to the lake house.  Amanda and Ben are going to continue the date.  Becca continues to cry for the cameras.  "I'm just frustrated.  And confused.  And wondering what, where do we go from here," cries Becca.  How about try out for a 3rd "The Bachelor" season?

01:17:  Becca continues the tears, "This is probably the most I have opened up so quickly to somebody."  Didn't you divulge the information that you were a virgin to the previous bachelor on the previous season that you lost?  That is the most open you can get with a person.  Becca continues, "What am I doing?  Why am I here?"  Because you asked the producers of the show if you could be on TV again after you didn't get picked on the previous season of "The Bachelor".

01:18:  "I thought the whole purpose of coming to my hometown was to do the things that are normal to me.  So I wanted to take you to McDonalds," pitches Ben.  GET RIGHT THE FUCK OUT! COULD THERE BE A MORE AWFUL OR SHAMELESS PLUG.  HOW ABOUT A WORST DATE!?  He even asks Amanda, "Do you like McDonalds?," and I am shocked that the producers didn't make Amanda say, "Yes, I do like McDonalds!  So do my kids.  They love Happy Meals!"  So fucking terrible of a date that I feel like I blacked out during the carnival.  Except the most honest thing I have ever heard from this season.  "Fair rides scare me.  They do!  Like, they get set up in a day!" says Ben.

01:30:  Ben and Emily's One on One Date.  The girls are a little concerned that Emily is going to Ben's home.  How do they know Ben is taking her there?  Because they Veronica Mars'd the shit out of Ben's date card that said: "Home is where the heart is."

Ben takes Emily to meet his parents.  Ben's dad has a real Joe Longval look and demeanor about him.  Tifani agrees.  Emily, self admittedly, does not talk well in nervous situations and, boy, does it show.   Emily and Amy, Ben's mom, take off for some girl time.  Ben's mom is trying to follow Emily's conversation but she just isn't translating what Emily's words are saying.  "I feel like I am so average at everything in life.  But I've always known that deep down in my heart that I will be an above average mom and an above average wife," this ding dong says to Ben's mom.

I love Ben's time with his Mom during the post- girl time talk.  She is so worried that Ben might choose Emily that she is brought to tears.

Meanwhile, Emily confides to Ben's dad that she loves, "watching movies.  If she could sit around and watch movies all day long, that would be her favorite thing.  What I don't like?  That would be hard.  I like a lot of things.  I don't like vegetables."  They are sitting lakeside and outdoors and she is talking about watching the "Twillight" saga.

The writing is on the wall and when returning to the lake house, Ben goes right for the jugular.  He doesn't see Emily as his wife.  Ben sends Emily home.  BOOM!  Called it.

I didn't know that there would be two girls going home tonight.  I speculated that Emily would go home tonight and Becca next week but there will be a rose ceremony tonight and another girl is going home on this episode.  Final Four will have home visits.

My friend, Dan O'Brien, texted me during the Rose Ceremony.  I went from not knowing who Chris Harrison was to his appearance being the highlight of the show for me.

Ben is a wreck.  Chris asks, "What is wrong?"  Ben confides, "I don't know what I am going to do."

Chris gets real with Ben, "Let me ask you this.  Do you see the possibility that you could fall in love with each of them?  All five have that potential to be your wife.  Honestly."  Chris comes hardcore and Ben gets the perspective he needs to go forth with the ceremony:

Amanda is safe due to group date rose.

Lauren,  will you accept this rose?
JoJo, will you accept this rose?
Caila, will you accept this rose?

Becca is blindsided.  She is not too happy.  Ben walks her out.  I wish Ben would have more of a backbone in this decision but he asks her to sit to explain himself.  He handles the situation well and Becca concedes that now is the better time to cut ties before families are involved.

I rarely watch the previews for next week's episode but I am so glad that I did tonight.  Next week is going to be insane!  That look on his face when the kids are being kids... everyone with kids who saw that look simultaneously said, "Amanda is gone.  Ben is out!"

Going into next week, I am holding with my Top 3:
1.  Lauren B.
2.  Amanda
3.  JoJo

See you next week!  Thanks for reading!

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